Members of the RideNox Council were out hiking the Cold Spot loop yesterday and noted substantial storm-related work of the type that emphasizes the importance of the Nockamixon Adopt-a-Trail Loop Trail Maintenance Conference on 2/22/2014.
Numerous trailside cedars have been weighed down with snow and ice from this past week's storms which will likely be aggravated by the midweek northeaster on Wednesday-Thursday. It is very likely that this condition exists throughout the trail system and that at least some of what are a substantial number of these bent trees currently obstructing the trails will need to be trimmed prior to the riding season.
As far as the trail conditions themselves - essentially unridable even on a fatbike due to the deep snow and thick, collapsible crust, none of which will be helped either by the storm later in the week or the thaw that will eventually follow. Do not plan on riding at Nockamixon any time soon