Trail Conditions / Forum
Feel free to log in and update the conditions after you ride so that others can see what the trail is like before they come over to ride.
Wet Trail Condition Guidelines (DO NOT RIDE WET TRAILS)
Here are some guidelines that not only apply to Nockamixon, but all mountain bike trails. Beyond major closures, knowing when not to ride after a rainfall can be less obvious. Trails will not be posted as closed or fenced off after normal rainfalls/storms, so it is up to you to make an educated decision. Here are some general rules regarding wet conditions:
Guidelines - Trails should not be used during wet weather, or when the trail is soft or muddy. - Trails are open if the trail is firm and the surface will not be disturbed by foot or bike travel. - PLEASE be patient if the trail isn't ready... allow the trail to dry before riding. - Trails are typically too wet to ride for 24-48 hours after a significant rainfall. Impacts of riding wet trails. - Riding wet trails damages the trail by creating ruts that increase erosion. - Riding wet trails also increases cupping of the trail surface and causes puddles to get deeper and wider, both of which slow the recovery of the trail. -Sustainable trails are built so that water will run across the trail, not down it. When water runs down the trail it focuses the water and increases erosion. Riding wet trails creates ruts that will focus the water and increase erosion. -Creating these trail issues takes time for the trail crew to fix. Time that could be used to enhance the current trails, make new trails, or other projects that are in the works. Please check the Trail Conditions Below for the most up-to-date information. And if you ride the trail, please take a minute and update the conditions if they haven't been updated in a while... this is a great way to both help out your fellow riders and help preserve the trails we love! Feel Free to update the trail conditions after your ride.
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